Version 1.2.0
- Improved the multi user blocker
- Wakeup-Device manager
- Block State is now displayed in the icon
- Improved statistics on the front page
- 1.2.1: Fixed Update Bug
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed the crash, when no internet connection is available
- Added an availability check for blockers, now you'll get feedback if they don't work
- Improved the measuring of saved minutes
- Add some details to the privacy agreement and removed information that was previously sent to the server
- Linked the community in the application
Version 1.1.0
- Improved Update Mechanism
Version 1.0
- Renaming our Software from "Stand-Bye!" to "Econap"
- Better debugging: improved error reporting, logging
- 1.0.1 : Fix of fuzzy icons
- 1.0.2 : Fix Update Problems
- 1.0.3 : Fix more update issues
- 1.0.4 : Improved some explanations in the UI
- 1.0.5 : Stabilized updating
Version 0.12
Version 0.7.0
- Exception processes just use the process name and not the whole path
- Added minimum of 15 sec for the waittime
- Portable does not download the new installer anymore but refers to the website
- Added one minute after wake up, where standby will not be activated
- Fixed bug when two instances are launched (Windows reports an error)
- The presentationmode message box has been disabled because of negative feedback
Version 0.6.0
- New GUI setup:
- MetroTiles on Start
- New metroTile that shows the standby activation status
- New options:
- Specify standby mode
- Enable / Disable logging
- Start standby at specified time
- Added information
- Updated "About Tab"
- Deleted "onTop" Setting (not necessary)
- Changed license to GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
- Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed steadily increasing memory consumption
- Fixed missing dlls in portable version (C++ Runtime is no longer required) (.NET Framework is still required)
- Improved Code:
- Reduced memory consumption (delayed loading of components) from 15-20MB to 5 MB
- Reduced CPU consumption from 2-3% average to nearly 0%
- Reduced size of executable
- Fixed memory leaks
- Small Changes:
- Auto-Start activating on first launch
- Now Removing Downloadfiles after installing
- Re-structered code
Version 0.5.7
- Added compatibility for old settings
- Fixed Multi-User Bug (StandBye has started standbye although multiple users are logged in)
- Fixed settingsfile location on portable version
- Added full Multi-Language Support
- Added Language: Deutsch
- Fixed Resouce-File locations
- Reduced size of executable
- Fixed message window buttons
- Fixed Downloader and added support for different download links
- Small GUI corrections
Version 0.5.2
- Added installer meta-data
- Added single instance application support
- Added cross instance messaging to open the SettingsForm when another instance is launched
- Updated MetroForm and added features and tooltips
- Extended Logsystem
- Application temporary disables the windows standby while StandBye is running
- Added Copyright notes in all files
- Added option to disable messages from icon
- Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed too many IO operations of the settingsProvider
- Fixed long loading time of SettingsForm
- Fixed missing icons
- Fixed too many instances of SystemAccess
- Fixed RefreshTimer issue on SettingsForm
- Fixed LogFiles Directory (IO AccessRights)
- Fixed maxLength and Formatting of TextBoxes
- Fixed presentation mode issue after messagebox
- Fixed option to add processes twice
- Fixed disposed error on closing SettingsForm
- Fixed Downloading issue, if no internet connection is available
- Fixed decimal separator in textboxes
Version 0.4.3
- Added sound detection (audio peak measurement)
- Added Option to cancel shutdown while sound is playing
- Added debug window to show detailed information
- Implemented Log System
- Fixed some bugs
- Code improvements and code commenting
- Improved exception handling
Version 0.3
- Added tooltips to system tray icon
- Leftclick on icon opens settingsform
- Some GUI updates
- code improvements
Version 0.2
- System-Usage monitoring
- Buffering Usage over 30 seconds
- Settings with current usage
- Multi-Threaded
- Wait-Time
- Exception processes from file / current running processes
- Autostart
- Presentationmode
Version 0.1
• Some tests • first code